New Nav Lights and Mounting Board

The entire nav light assembly on Cay of Sea was in an advanced state of decrepitude about 4 years ago. You can only imagine what they were last week when I finally replaced them. The old fixtures were literally falling apart (had been for several years) and I couldn’t put them back together again. The ancient original teak mounting boards didn’t have any soft wood left – it was all baked and scrubbed out, grey and weathered.

I patterned new boards from the old with some scrap teak I have – my scrap was actually twice as thick as I needed, so I sawed the correct thickness with my table saw, effectively splitting the thickness with the saw blade raised high, then turning the piece over and sawing through the other side to create two identical pieces of board half as thick as the original. A little work on the stationary sander removing saw marks and relieving edges, then hand-sanding to a smooth finish gave me pieces that were ready for a coat of Cetol.

Mounted and wired, the new assemblies look like this:

The LED diodes in these little lamps are  actually brighter that the 10 watt incandescent bulbs were, as they shined through the dull, frosted-over colored lenses of the old fixtures.

The LED diodes in these little lamps are actually brighter that the 10 watt incandescent bulbs were, as they shined through the dull, frosted-over colored lenses of the old fixtures.

A photo of the bow. Don't fuss at me for my rusty, unpainted anchor!

A photo of the bow. Don’t fuss at me for my rusty, unpainted anchor!


  1. Johadel said:

    The only good answer to a rusted anchor is, anchor out more often. That would clean the rust off!

    • I like that answer! Hey, I’m going to miss you and Cathy this week!

      • Johadel said:

        We are going to miss you too! I hope the weather co-operates and you get lots of sailing over the weekend.

      • Johadel said:

        OBTW, Cathy and I are traveling to Vermont in July. We are hoping to make 3 stops on the way: 1) Visit you and Ruth; 2) Visit a cousin in Valley Forge, PA; 3) Visit another cousin at May’s Landing, NJ. We will be leaving home on 16 JUL arriving in VT on 22 JUL. Wed love to stop by for a visit early in that week. Do you think that you’ll be around during that time frame?

      • Joe, that time frame looks good for us. I’ve noted it in my calendar, and we’re looking forward to seeing you!

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